Injection of hyaluronic acid into the temples in Rouen

Aesthetic medicine in Seine-Maritime

La Maison Didon - Centre de Médecine Esthétique et Laser à Rouen

Temple injections in Rouen

La Maison Didon - Aesthetic medicine

What is hyaluronic acid injection in the temples?

Hyaluronic acid injections in the temples offer a safe, painless solution for restoring the volume lost with age, improving the appearance of this area while preserving the smoothness of the face.

With aging, some people experience a loss of volume in the temples, giving the face a hollow or sagging appearance.

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Technique: Soft cannula and/or fine needle

Duration : 20 to 30 minutes

Product Type: Volumizing resorbable hyaluronic acid

Social exclusion: None

Scars : None

Anaesthesia : local anaesthesia with lidocaine contained in syringes

Injection into the temples

Hyaluronic acid injections in Rouen

Restore volume to your temples

Would you like to naturally add a new dimension to your temples? Redraw their contours according to your preferences, or simply soften the marks of time? The revitalization and rejuvenation of your temples are at the heart of the benefits offered by our treatment. The aim of a hyaluronic acid injection in the temples is to firm the whole face and reduce the hollow appearance often associated with aging. The procedure aims to restore balance and harmony to the face’s proportions.

At Maison Didon, we offer personalized treatments that combine unrivalled quality with the latest advances in research.

Injections d'Acide Hyaluronique au niveau des tempes à La Maison Didon à Rouen.

Information on temple injections

Aesthetic medicine in Rouen

Indications for Hyaluronic Acid Injections

Over time, your temples can lose volume, and their natural roundness can fade. That’s where our expertise in aesthetic medicine comes in, with our hyaluronic acid injections specially designed to restore the beauty of your temples. Both men and women can benefit from this procedure. Candidates for temple injections are those with naturally hollow, asymmetrical temples, whether young or old.

Restore volume to your temples

Hyaluronic acid injections offer an optimal solution for restoring volume to this area, firming and harmonizing facial proportions while reducing the signs of aging.
During the initial consultation, our aesthetic doctor understands your needs and customizes each treatment to deliver a perfectly balanced result.

Treatment of the temples can be combined with other procedures, such as treatment of periorbital wrinkles or dark circles, for overall facial harmony.

Post hyaluronic acid injection suite

After our hyaluronic acid injections, your temples regain their volume and your face glows with youthful radiance.
Results are visible just a few days after the injection.

The after-effects are straightforward, with occasional slight redness, swelling and bruising.
These resolve within a few days, allowing immediate resumption of activities without social exclusion.

Lasting results that you can maintain over time

Our hyaluronic acid is resorbable, offering revitalized temples for 8 to 12 months. To maintain these results over the long term, regular maintenance sessions may be recommended.

Discover your new beauty

Book a personalized consultation today and find out how our cosmetic doctor can help you regain your self-confidence.

Customized pricing and packages

At La Maison Didon, we understand that each person is unique. Don’t hesitate to consult our price list and discuss your aesthetic goals.

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